toilet with game of thrones background

A Game of Thrones – A Potty Training Tale

by ParentCo.

The throne sits unused in the throne room. “I am your lord and commander! You will bend the knee and swear fealty to me, or I will have you thrown into the time-out chamber!”

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Parents sleeping on sofa while baby girl plays with toys

25 Signs You're Spending Too Much Time with Your Kids

by ParentCo.

You will spend a lot of time with these tiny folks who have no concept of personal space or privacy – so much time that you will change.

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 little girl is standing against  wall  inthe bedroom

6 Fairly Cool Things About Your Kid Going from Crib to Bed

by ParentCo.

Here are six fairly cool things about your kid switching from crib to bed. Let’s all pretend to be excited together!

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dna in egg cell

Parent Is a Verb – and We All Do It

by ParentCo.

Parent is a verb. I parent. You parent. We parent. Anyone can parent, and in fact, everyone does

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Mothers and their children in a Kitty party

Can We Please Stop Trying to One-Up Each Other?

by Michelle Downing

Parenting is not a competition. But some moms seem to think so.

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baby sitting on potty seat

You’re Being Lied to About Potty Training

by ParentCo.

The potty industrial complex has tricked us into thinking that potty trained is the dream. Potty trained will make life better. Except, it doesn't.

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A Letter to My Self-Esteem on the Day My Pee-Proof Undies Came in the Mail

by ParentCo.

Hey, Self Esteem! You and I will be having the last (dry) laugh when we finally admit there's a problem and make the proper investment in undergarments.

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Close-up Of Lit Candle On Pastry

My “Happy” Birthday Surprise That Required a Plumber and a Bucket of Disinfectant

by ParentCo.

Simple decorating pleasures go right down the toilet when you allow kids to live in your house. (Literally, in some cases.)

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A child sitting, father holding from back

7 Science-Backed Ways to Be a Better, Happier Parent

by ParentCo.

These simple skills can be adapted into daily life and make it easier to raise happier, healthier, and more cooperative kids.

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Miniature Animal Figurines

7 Pieces of Unsolicited Advice on How to Take Unsolicited Parenting Advice

by ParentCo.

Nothing makes you a target for unsolicited advice quite like being a pregnant. You don't have to stand around and take it. Here are some alternatives.

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funny quote with yellow background

Funny Quotes About Parenting from People More Famous Than You

by ParentCo.

Twenty hilariously honest quotes that perfectly capture the ridiculousness of being a parent.

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Giving Up Stability Because I Want Something More

Giving Up Stability Because I Want Something More

by Kelly Riibe

The time for everything is now. And as much as I adore being a mom, I also want to be more.

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potty training

How to Potty Train And/Or Lose Your Mind in 3 Days

by ParentCo.

In just 13 easy steps, you too, could be scraping poop out of a pair of Thomas the Tank Engine underwear in the Target bathroom. Potty training is easy!

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parents with baby in fitness class

7 Tips For Being the Most Natural Parent of Them All

by Julia Pelly

Natural parenting isn't a game of half measures. If you really want to do it right, you'd better go all the way.

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reusable cloth diapers

10 Simple Reasons You Really Need to Try Cloth Diapers

by ParentCo.

If you're intimidated or overwhelmed by the thought of cloth diapering, don't be! It's easier than you think.

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baby sleeping

All in Due Time: When Milestones Can Wait

by ParentCo.

There's nothing more exciting than checking the milestone boxes of our kids' first years. But rushing them doesn't do anyone any favors.

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mother changing baby

A Decade of Poop

by ParentCo.

From the first hours of motherhood, you are told to care deeply about poop. Year One Black poop from your baby should not be horrifying — or a sign of him eating blueberries and/or black jellybeans.

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buying with smartphone

10 People Who Are My Everyday Heroes as a Parent of Young Kids

by ParentCo.

As a parent, I rely on the daily help of many people who likely see themselves as doing nothing extraordinary. Thank you, everyday heroes.

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woman in car potty

Potty Mouth Training

by ParentCo.

Travelers all over the world find themselves in this same situation every minute of every day. It’s a rite of passage. (Quite literally if you’re in a cab or on public transportation.)

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tired mother with her child

Parenting, Not for the Moment, But for the Long Haul

by ParentCo.

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scene from the tv show mad men in a restaurant

18 Mad Men GIFs that remind us what we once took for granted

by ParentCo.

It's the end of an era - where parents all over America pour that late night cocktail and escape into the world of Mad Men.

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baby selfie

Besides Being Absolutely Disgusting, Parenthood is Beautiful

by ParentCo.

You know where I haven't nursed a baby? In a field of daisies while a gentle breeze blew through my hair. Motherhood can be downright gross.

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father and son shaving

Laughing With Your Kids Is One of the Best Things You Can Do for Them

by ParentCo.

A sense of humor takes years to develop. Babies burble and laugh at peekaboo, toddlers love pratfalls, and potty humor is the pinnacle of wit through elementary school. Understanding different types of humor – wordplay, puns, improv, sarcasm, jokes, pranks – seems to follow a kid's overall developmental trajectory.

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